On September 20, CSLDF participated in one of two virtual public listening sessions held by the U.S. National Science Foundation,…
Find out how we’re protecting the scientific endeavor and putting our legal expertise to work for scientists.
CSLDF Participates in NSF Listening Sessions to Improve Federal Science Protections
News | Monthly Update
September Update: A look back at our busy summer, and a thank youSeptember 27, 2023 CSLDF
A very eventful summer is coming to an end, and soon our Summer Match campaign will too. A big thank…
News | CSLDF Resources
Announcing Our Newest Pocket Guide for ScientistsSeptember 13, 2023 CSLDF
Our mission at CSLDF has always been to protect climate science and scientists. Today, we release another tool in that…
CSLDF Submits Joint Comment to HHS Regarding Its Draft Scientific Integrity PolicySeptember 7, 2023 Rachael Lyle-Thompson
On September 1, CSLDF and 10 other progressive, science-forward organizations submitted a comment to the U.S. Department of Health and…
First revamped science policy falls short of fulfilling Biden’s promise to protect scientists, watchdogs saySeptember 6, 2023 Government Executive
The first agency within the Biden administration to rewrite its policy to protect career federal scientists from political influence as required by the White House has taken some positive steps, according to a conglomerate of watchdog groups, but is still falling short of ensuring its workers do not face reprisal and bad actors are held accountable.
Press | Op-ed
The IPCC’s latest report is downright grim - Yet climate scientists are still being silencedSeptember 5, 2023 American Bar Association
Recently, invasive open records requests, defamation lawsuits, and other misuses of the legal system threaten climate scientists’ ability to freely conduct research and openly share it with the public.
News | Monthly Update
August Update: Finding reasons for hopeAugust 29, 2023 CSLDF
Air quality alerts. Wildfires. Heat domes. Hurriquakes. This summer has been unprecedented, with millions experiencing firsthand the devastating consequences of…
News | Monthly Update
July Update: It’s hot. Really, really hot.July 26, 2023 CSLDF
It’s hot. Really, really hot: last week, temperatures hit 129°F in California, 126°F in Northwest China, and 18 days and…
New White House Scientific Integrity Policy Adopted by OSTPJuly 13, 2023 Rachael Lyle-Thompson
On June 22, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced that it adopted its own, first-ever…
News | Monthly Update
June Update: We’re up against anti-science opponents with deep pocketsJune 28, 2023 CSLDF
This summer is on track to be one of the hottest on record, and one of the busiest for us…
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