News | Monthly Update

March Update: A New Guide to the First Amendment for Scientists

New Pocket Guide for Scientists: The First Amendment

Today we published A Pocket Guide for Scientists: The First Amendment to help researchers understand how this amendment protects their free speech rights. The guide covers freedom of speech, academic freedom, defamation, and other topics so that scientists understand their rights and how to use their voices. Read more about the guide and download a free copy.

Rebuilding the Scientific Federal Workforce

The House Science Committee held a hearing, “Brain Drain: Rebuilding the Federal Scientific Workforce,” on March 17. We submitted a statement for the hearing record saying that government agencies should adopt more robust protections for scientific integrity to rebuild the federal workforce and restore morale. We also outlined steps agencies can take to strengthen their existing policies; read it to learn more.

Letter to the House Science Committee on the Scientific Integrity Act

We’re part of a group led by Open the Government that’s calling on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee to pass the Scientific Integrity Act so scientists can do their research without fear of political interference, retribution, or suppression. Read our coalition’s letter.

Teaching the World About Global Warming Can Have a Cost

The New York Times recently profiled leading climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, NASA’s new climate adviser, and spoke with Josh Wolfe, one of our co-founders, about the attacks from climate deniers Gavin has experienced.

Event: Federal Advocacy and Legal Guidance for Researchers at AAG

Staff attorney Augusta Wilson will participate in a panel at the virtual American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 8 at 2:10 p.m. ET. The discussion will cover what scientists need to know about reaching out to elected officials and how to defend themselves against common legal hurdles in the world of science and research. The event is free and open to all AAG attendees.

Augusta will also provide free, confidential legal consultations to AAG participants. Email to set up a meeting with her during the conference.

You can help us restore scientific integrity. A gift of any size will support our efforts to reverse the deep politicization of critical research. Please donate today.

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