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June Update: We’re in The New York Times, Scientific Integrity, and More

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“With the pandemic raging and public attention somewhat distracted away from continuing climate-destructive anti-scientist manipulations, protecting climate scientists is a more urgent task than ever,” wrote Jeff Masters, one of our founding board members, for Yale Climate Connections.

A gift of any size helps us provide free legal aid to scientists in this time of escalating attacks on their work—and a group of our generous supporters will double your contribution. Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far!

We’re in The New York Times
Efforts to block climate research continue under the Trump administration, and not just by those at the top. Antagonism toward climate science has worked its way down the ranks. Lower government employees worried about their budgets and jobs are also impeding research, reported The New York Times on June 15.

Lauren Kurtz, our director, is quoted on the challenges of combating these attacks. Our pro bono client Maria Caffrey, a climate scientist who was forced out of her job at the National Park Service in 2019, was also interviewed.

From Our Blog: Why We’re Concerned About Scientific Integrity Policies
Scientific integrity failures on issues ranging from climate science to the COVID-19 pandemic are distressingly pervasive under the Trump administration, and climate science and scientists are being hit hard.

Restoring Science, Protecting the Public: 43 Steps for the Next Presidential Term
We’re one of the dozens of organizations that authored a series of memos outlining concrete steps the next administration can take to restore a culture of scientific integrity across the federal government and make it more transparent and accountable.

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