Conspiracies and cynical indifference are the right’s latest climate strategy The Hill [Opinion] | Svante Myrick | April 15, 2024…
Press type: Op-ed
Showing 1 to 9 of 9-
Press | Op-ed Conspiracies and cynical indifference are the right’s latest climate strategy
Press | Op-ed Michael Mann beat his defamers. But climate scientists are still under attack.
Climate scientists report that death threats and online harassment are causing anxiety, sleeping problems, and loss of productivity. Yale Climate…
Press | Op-ed Why the CT public record system needs to be overhauled
Hartford Courant | Op-ed by Rachael Lyle-Thompson | November 26, 2023 Under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or…
Press | Op-ed The IPCC’s latest report is downright grim – Yet climate scientists are still being silenced
ABA | Rachael Lyle-Thompson | September 1, 2023 …Recently, invasive open records requests, defamation lawsuits, and other misuses of the…
Press | Op-ed How Scientists Can Safeguard Themselves Online
Scientists are always at risk of digital harassment by bad actors looking to undermine scientific credibility and progress, but there…
Press | Op-ed Opinion: What Opioid Lawsuits Can Teach Us About Climate Courtroom Battles
Undark | Rachael Lyle-Thompson | November 17, 2022 Opioids and fossil fuels might seem like vastly different products. But both were…
Press | News What You Know about Trump’s Assault on Science Was Just the Tip of the Iceberg
In this opinion piece in Scientific American, CSLDF director Lauren Kurtz and Dana Gold discuss the extent of political interference in science -- not just under the Trump admin -- and what to do about it.