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The Changing Focus of Climate Denial: From Science to Scientists

The scientist Michael Mann is challenging attacks on his work in a defamation suit that’s taken 12 years to come to trial.

The New York Times | Delger Erdenesanaa | February 6, 2024

The lawsuit has caught the attention of climate scientists and legal scholars, among others. This trial marks one of very few instances in American courts that a climate scientist has taken the stand to defend their research, according to Michael Gerrard, the faculty director at Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.

“It’s a rare case where a climate scientist is fighting back against climate deniers,” said Mr. Gerrard, who also is a member of the board of directors for the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund, which previously helped Dr. Mann with a different legal battle.

Read the full article in The New York Times.

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