Defending climate science & scientists under fire | Jeff’s Climate Classroom
News Channel 8 | January 16, 2025 | Jeff Berardelli & Val Simpson
In today’s Climate Classroom, we are talking to the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund (CSLDF).
It’s a non-profit organization whose goal is to “…protect the scientific endeavor by putting its legal expertise to work for scientists who are threatened or silenced due to their findings or fields of study.”
As the impacts of manmade climate change have accelerated from factors like more extreme fires, heat and floods, and climate science itself has matured into credible discipline, more and more climate scientists have found themselves targeted.
Those doing the targetting range from governments to think tanks to corporations and every day citizens. Even if the evidence scientists uncover is factually correct, it can be considered inconvenient or threatening to the existing power strutcures, and/or the powers that be. As a result scientists find themselves under threat in various ways, ranging from online intimidation to legal action to job loss.
The threats have become so varied and frequent that the Sabin Center at Columbia University Law School keeps track of these threats on Silencing Science Tracker which has 554 entries since 2016.
See the interview below or read the full story at New Channel 8.