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AMS Annual Meeting: Navigating New Frontiers of Scientific Advocacy

In increasing numbers, scientists are employing their right to engage in activism and advocacy in critical areas including climate change and scientific policy. The attorneys at Climate Science Legal Defense Fund will discuss the new frontiers awaiting scientists who choose to participate in public advocacy.

We will cover the traditional ground rules for how scientists can communicate effectively with Congress without running afoul of anti-lobbying laws, as well as how they can participate in the Notice and Comment administrative rulemaking process. CSLDF attorneys will also discuss the potentially far-reaching implications of the Supreme Court’s Loper Bright decision, which overruled the Chevron Doctrine, redefining how Congress delegates authority to administrative agencies in critical areas of policy making and regulation.

Finally, CSLDF will examine the recent national surge of civil lawsuits involving oil and gas corporations and provide a primer concerning the benefits and risks of serving as an expert witness. Ultimately, we will ensure that attendees who wish to engage in activism within their communities feel empowered to do so, while also minimizing the risk of any negative repercussions in their professional lives.

For more information, please click here.

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