GSA Connects 2023
GSA Connects is the Geological Society of America’s annual conference that includes technical sessions, professional education, and networking opportunities.
Join us for Best Practices for Scientific Advocacy with CSLDF Staff Attorney Chris Marchesano.
Geologists and other scientists are increasingly using their expertise towards scientific advocacy. Whether it’s on behalf of climate change, environmental justice, or another issue of broad public or scientific concern, it is vital that scientists who are involved in advocacy or activism can do so safely and effectively.
In this session, the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund (CSLDF) will discuss ways that geologists and other scientists can apply their expertise in advocacy efforts, both as scientists and as private citizens. Specifically, CSLDF will explain best practices for scientists to actively campaign for science-forward candidates of their choice, engage with Congress and the Executive branch on public policy and lawmaking, participate as an expert witness in important litigation matters, and be involved in other forms of scientific activism and advocacy.
CSLDF will also discuss how scientists can safely participate in these activities while minimizing the risk of negative repercussions in their professional lives.
Click here for more information and to register.
CSLDF attorneys are also providing free, confidential meetings to scientists from all disciplines who have legal questions or concerns related to their work; these will be held in David L Lawrence Convention Center room 331 from 11 am to 5 pm ET on Monday, October 16. Zoom / phone consultations are also available.
Use this link or email lawyer@csldf.org to make an appointment.