The Scientific Integrity Act is an important step forward for safeguarding scientific integrity at federal agencies, and it improves the legal options available for federal scientists who are facing increasing levels of censorship, research hindrances, and misrepresentation of established facts.
Our attorneys are happy to talk with journalists about our work and topics at the intersection of climate and the law.
Media Inquiries
Press | Press Release
Science, Civil Rights, Public Health and Good Government Groups Rally Behind Scientific Integrity Legislation
Press | Press Release
Silencing Science Tracker to Keep Tabs on Trump Administration Attacks on Environmental, Public Health, Climate ScienceJanuary 19, 2018
The Silencing Science Tracker is intended to capture government attempts to restrict or prevent scientific research, education, discussion or the publication or use of scientific information. The tracker contains a table of entries, drawn from media reports, which will be updated on a regular basis.
Press | Press Release
Lack of Protections for Scientific Records Puts Researchers at RiskDecember 5, 2017
Legal protections for scientific research materials vary widely in the United States, according to a new Climate Science Legal Defense Fund report, leaving scientists and universities vulnerable to malicious open records requests and endangering the scientific endeavor.
Press | Press Release
Amicus Groups File Brief to Protect Climate ScientistsJanuary 30, 2017
The Climate Science Legal Defense Fund has asked the District of Columbia federal District Court to safeguard roughly 8,000 pages of privileged correspondence between nine climate scientists.