News | Monthly Update

August Update: New Guide to Political Engagement for Scientists

Our newest resource, Participating in Political Activities: Guidelines for Federally Employed and Federally Funded Scientists, is a must-read for politically engaged researchers. It explains what’s allowed and what’s restricted when it comes to donating to a candidate, volunteering for a campaign, and participating in other political activities.

Read more about the guide on our blog and download your free copy.

The information in the guide isn’t a substitute for legal advice. Scientists with questions about their political engagement can contact us and request a free, confidential consultation with an attorney.

Watch: Climate scientist Maria Caffrey, one of our pro bono clients, spoke at the Democratic National Convention about how Trump administration officials tried to remove mentions of climate change from her work.

ReadOur guest post for the American Geophysical Union describes a few ways scientists can be politically active and share their knowledge of critical scientific issues without running afoul of the law.

Listen: The fascinating new BBC podcast, How They Made Us Doubt Everything, features interviews with science historian Naomi Oreskes, one of our board members, on the tactics used to manufacture doubt around smoking and climate change.

Donate: A group of our supporters is matching all donations until August 31, and we need to raise just $3,000 more to unlock an additional $40,000. Your gift will ensure scientists can continue their work without political interference, aggressive legal action, or harassment. Thanks so much to everyone who has already contributed.

Subscribe to our mailing list and each month we’ll send you an update about our work.


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