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April Update: Scientific Integrity—What Researchers Need to Know

Today we published a free guide to scientific integrity policies of United States universities, state agencies, and international research institutions. It describes how these entities generally structure their scientific integrity policies, what the policies cover, and the processes for enforcing them.

As we discuss on our blog, the COVID-19 pandemic illuminates the crucial role scientists at university, state, and local laboratories in the U.S. and abroad play in safeguarding public health and safety—and shows that global research must be protected from undue interference.

Our goal is to help scientists understand how the institutions they work for approach scientific integrity and what they should do if they feel their work is compromised. This resource complements the guides to scientific integrity at nine federal agencies we published in March.

Remember that our resources aren’t a substitute for legal advice and that we provide free, confidential consultations to scientists with questions about scientific integrity. Contact us at to request a meeting with one of our attorneys.

Also new on our blog: Our own Lauren Kurtz and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law’s Romany Webb discuss how the Trump administration’s ongoing war on science has weakened researchers’ ability to respond to COVID-19 and other looming public health and environmental crises.

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